Rambling about my dropped anime

With 115 completed items on my very own myanimelist account, I consider my 6 dropped items to be a relatively low number. This is because I usually always carefully consider if an anime I’m about to start is worth watching and will it work for my tastes. But sometimes those calculations can go wrong. It can result in slower watching of the series, usually an episode at a time in the hopes that a better part of the story...

What I watched in Fall 2018

2018 is coming to an end, and with it the Fall 2018 season of anime. This post is a round-up of everything I watched since the start of October, from both seasonal and non-seasonal anime. Seasonal anime Akanesasu Shoujo This seemed like a decent anime due to the concept of travelling through different worlds. Another thing that seemed interesting was the main character meeting a version of herself from the alternate world. However, I watched the first two episodes...