rating anime

How I rate Anime

Ratings. The first thing on my mind when I see this word in the context of anime is myanimelist. This is probably because that’s the only place where I actually rate anime. And really it’s the only place where I’m looking at anime ratings. At times they are one of the factors I use to determine if an anime is worth watching. Sure enough, they can be too high or too low, depending on the show, but they sort...

I was at a gaming fair

Reboot InfoGamer, held in Zagreb, the capital of Croatia, is “one of the biggest games shows in the world”, according to their official website. And my university was kind enough to take care of the transport and ticket costs for our one day visit. I was looking forward to this day a lot because I’ve seen Bandai Namco would be featured. This gave me some hope that they will present Jump Force. It turns out my hopes were actually...