Vi faccio entrare nel mio disordine – quinta puntata

Day 5 Earlyish wakeup to give myself a chance to have the hotel breakfast. But I wasn’t quite feeling like it. Instead I just took some time… waking up, getting the final things ready before check-out. Final watching of the TV where ofcourse they talked about Sanremo. I left just after 10am when breakfast ended, left the bags at the reception and went to explore Udine for a couple of hours. And I had a breakfast from stuff bought...

Vi faccio entrare nel mio disordine – quarta puntata

Day 4 This was the final morning in Bologna. I would’ve wanted to stay but this particular apartment wasn’t available for the additional night, so what I did was booking a night in Udine instead. This meant I would still stay in Italy but the travel time back would be split a bit between days 4 and 5, since Udine is a lot closer to Croatia than Bologna. Before the check-out I made sure I left no mess behind,...

Vi faccio entrare nel mio disordine – terza puntata

Day 3 The previous night I was still deciding how should I go about this day. Would it be the ‘Modena first’ or the ‘Maranello first’ plan, meaning to which Ferrari museum I’d go to first. The plans had slight differences in time that would be left for either place, and ofcourse in the timetables of the respective public transport I needed. The ‘Modena first’ plan had a slightly later wake-up time. I went with that plan. Early wake-up...

Vi faccio entrare nel mio disordine – seconda puntata

Day 2 I suppose this was the best opportunity of the trip for a good amount of sleep. I woke up a bit after 8am IIRC, even before the alarm clock was supposed to go on. The morning started with Sanremo performances played on YouTube from the TV (without adblock), or in the case of Click Boom!, the music video. Then I switched on to live TV and on that particular morning I think I caught TG1. Fact checked:...