A Horror Noob’s Perspective of Gakkougurashi! (School-Live!)

As the title suggests, I don’t watch a lot of horror anime, or any horror stuff really. Some anime I’ve completed that include the horror tag are Danganronpa, The Promised Neverland, Angels of Death, Boogiepop, but I’m not sure if any of those could be called a “hardcore” horror if that makes any sense. If anything, I’d call them mild in the horror aspect. By saying that I may be doing a slight disservice to The Promised Neverland, but...

The Eurovision Song Contest Semi Final 2 Should’ve Been Held Tonight

But again, the live show wasn’t held and a celebration show was broadcast instead. So once again I’ll give you my opinions that no one asked for, on the songs that should’ve competed in semi 2 tonight + 3 more of the direct qualifiers. Greece – Stefania – SUPERG!RL Greece is a… Fine song I guess. Not really the type of song I’d be too obsessed with. It has that Greek sound but it wouldn’t feel like too much...

The Eurovision Song Contest Semi Final 1 Should’ve Been Held Last Night

And I’m just sad. Instead of the live show, the official Eurovision channel broadcasted a celebration show, where they played the music videos of the songs that should’ve competed last night + 3 of the direct qualifiers. It was time well spent, it was nice watching an “official” Eurovision show and tweet about it at the same time as the other Eurofans. But if anything, it just made me wish for the live shows even more. And thinking about...

Even More Openings and Endings That Make You Feel Everything Will be Alright

I just really love anime openings and endings. They always help lift my spirits, be it with the visuals, be it with the mood of the song or anime, be it with the lyrics or a mix of all of that. So many of the openings and endings from the anime I watched have some kind of a specific memory to them, from the time when I first watched the anime or rewatched it. Openings (and endings) basically work...

It’s my own evolution – Domain name change and more!

Every time you read an article with blogging tips and how to start a blog, you are guaranteed to find the word “niche” in the article. You will always be told to “pick a niche”, in other words, choose a topic you really love and can write a huge number of articles about, and just keep optimizing your website for that topic, and keep posting about that one topic only. And that works for people. And I totally understand...