5 Anime I Randomly Started Watching

Usually you start a new anime because the story looks promising, you like the way it looks, you’ve seen the PV and it seems worth watching. Maybe you saw a lot of positive comments on the anime. Maybe someone called it a good match with another anime you love or someone whose opinion you find valuable recommended you the anime. My point is, there are many ways you can get interested in watching an anime. But even so, sometimes...

5 MAL Scores I Disagree With

MAL scores (or myanimelist scores) – they serve as a rough estimation of how well an anime is received. But ofcourse, if something has a high score, it doesn’t mean its a series that will most certainly without a doubt work for you. Nor does a low score mean you will find the series terrible too. The majority may feel one way, but it doesn’t mean you will feel the same way too. In this post I will highlight...

Top 10 Openings of 2018

As the year comes to an end, its time to make a few of those “best of x year” posts. My first one for this year will be about anime openings. Before I get started, I feel like there is one thing I should note: I actually don’t watch a lot of seasonal anime. It turns out that out of the 4 anime seasons in 2018, I only watched 21 seasonal anime (Fall 2018 included). The reason for this...

7 Openings and Endings That Make You Feel Everything Will be Alright

Music is one of those things that will, for me personally, almost always work when I feel down. And when you add anime to it, the effect can grow even more. I’ve talked before about my love for anime openings, so in this post I will suggest you 7 Openings and Endings that will help you when things get rough. SAO II Ending 1 (Haruna – Startear) The first part of the second Sword Art Online season, the GGO...