Was that real life? Part 2 – 2020 Formula 1 Sakhir GP

I don’t know how to start this post, I don’t know how to feel, I don’t know what to think. Formula 1 2020 provides another unreal, unbelievable, remarkable day that leaves my feelings and thoughts in a mess. Like Gasly winning in Monza in front of Sainz and Stroll wasn’t enough of a moment that doesn’t quite feel like real life, the two Bahrain races gave shocks in every single way, first in crashes that you would never think...

f1 bahrain 2020 hamilton

A scary reminder – 2020 Formula 1 Bahrain Grand Prix Reaction

This will probably sound like I’m making it up, but a couple of hours before the 2020 Bahrain GP, I got hit with the thought that at every race – there is danger of a fatal accident happening. I hoped that I wouldn’t see one today… What happened? I don’t know if it was a coincidence or not that I had such thoughts before today’s race, but as things turned out, there very nearly was the exact thing I...

2020 Formula 1 Portuguese GP Reaction

Fall and Formula 1. In a normal season, this time of the year would see races in Mexico or the USA. About a month earlier, there would be the visit to the Asian circuits. I always felt like that Asian part of the season was kinda the beginning of the end, especially Singapore due to the lights that you usually also see at the ending race in Abu Dhabi. And the realization that the ending of the season is...

Was that real life? – 2020 Formula 1 Italian GP

What… Did just happen? What did I just witness? It’s been a few hours now but it’s still hard to process and believe that this has just happened in Formula 1. I’ve had a bad start to this day. Really wasn’t in a good mood. But Formula 1 provided the distraction that I needed. A massive, unbelievable, surreal turn of events. Thank you F1, I love you. What’s interesting is how at the start of the race, I was...