They don’t know… But Mieruko-chan knows

There’s this wojak meme format in which he holds a drink while watching people partying and is saying to himself how „they don’t know “. Mieruko-chan is basically that meme the anime. In which Miko is looking at the world around her and seeing and knowing things others are very much unaware of. Similarly, the things she is seeing also for the most part don’t actually know she is seeing them (altho they are...

Happy Sugar Life

What Gakkougurashi did great was its presentation. The way the main character’s perspective turned out not to reflect the actual reality. I loved that because it caught me off guard, and I love it when anime does that to me. I love it when I realize they tricked me into thinking something and my whole understanding or assumptions on the story up until that point get turned on its head. And I guess I wanted some more of that...

A Horror Noob’s Perspective of Gakkougurashi! (School-Live!)

As the title suggests, I don’t watch a lot of horror anime, or any horror stuff really. Some anime I’ve completed that include the horror tag are Danganronpa, The Promised Neverland, Angels of Death, Boogiepop, but I’m not sure if any of those could be called a “hardcore” horror if that makes any sense. If anything, I’d call them mild in the horror aspect. By saying that I may be doing a slight disservice to The Promised Neverland, but...

Embrace the “not-normal” – Sakura Quest Review

I first watched Sakura Quest around this time last year, started it around the end of March. Back then, it strongly resonated with me due to the rural setting and the main character Yoshino’s circumstances. She wanted to get away from a rural setting, and she believed a big city like Tokyo is the place to be. Then it turned out coming to Tokyo is one thing, but staying in Tokyo is more of a challenge than it may...

The Battle Begins at Goldy Pond – The Promised Neverland Volume 9 Review

With A08-63 turning out to be a secret human playground for the demons, some doubts over William Minerva’s true intentions have emerged. For Lucas at least. Now when Emma is here with her pen, he can finally find out what is behind those doors with the owl symbol in the Goldy Pond windmill. A phonecall with William Minerva Behind the doors is some sort of a control room. But more importantly there is a lake. It’s the real Goldy...