I need to talk about the latest episode of SAO Alicization, because it’s quite significant and with emotions running high.
The moment we’ve been waiting for a whole cour and a half, basically since October last year, is finally here. Welcome back, Kirito!
Starting off the episode, we can see Alicization characters, Alice and Eugeo, “blended” in the crowd as Kirito passes by them. This is sad when you realize that Eugeo will never experience that kind of life, and he never had a chance to see the world with Kirito. There is ofcourse the example of Yui, so maybe there could still be a way to do something like that? If not for Eugeo, at least for Alice, once things calm down.

The OP is where the hype started. I love subtle changes to openings and endings, SAO is no stranger to doing that. This time they changed Kirito’s eyes to his “God mode” eyes, implying that the awakening is going to happen and s***’s about to go down. I loved that.

Back to the Underworld action, where Asuna fights PoH using all of her strength. Quickly the episode starts pulling the heartstrings, with Konno Yuuki giving Asuna some needed push. Note the parallel here between Konno Yuuki and Eugeo, both being dear friends of Asuna and Kirito. Both of them having a sad end, but staying in Asuna and Kirito’s hearts, protecting them and fighting with them. It’s beautiful. This Konno Yuuki soundtrack they played shortly during the episode is one of my favorite SAO OSTs, if not the favorite.
Kirito traumas

Kirito had to again face a bunch of memories he would rather not have. It’s clear now how much the events of the series have affected him. But I feel like it’s a bit of a missed opportunity.
I saw a comment comparing Kirito with Re:Zero’s Subaru in terms of their suffering. Incidentally, (spoilers) that anime also had the MC facing their past this season. Re:Zero did a great job in showing how Subaru is affected by the events of the series. The anime makes it clear when his mental state isn’t all that good. He needed a lot of encouragement just to step out of his panicking state. I’m sure light novel readers have been aware of the impact the events of SAO have been having on Kirito, but it was never as evident as it was in this episode. A few more moments of foreshadowing or dealing with the issue would’ve been great. But I also understand I need a rewatch, and maybe with a rewatch I’d see it being hinted more. There were some hints at the start of season 2 at least, if I remember correctly.
In any case, no one can call Kirito a “generic self-insert” character anymore after that episode. These were some quite dark and heavy scenes. Note how he only stopped pulling his heart out after Eugeo “arrived”. Not that I think Asuna, Sinon and Sugu have less of an influence on Kirito, but I thought it was interesting. I guess it emphasizes the importance of every dear connection Kirito made. The girls obviously have a huge importance to him, but Eugeo is also a big part of his heart, one that cannot be forgotten or replaced.
Enhanced armament

Asuna (and Yuuki) did their utmost best. And by the way, the animation of the Asuna fight was incredible, it has to be said. The thicker lines make it feel even more intense and powerful.
In any case, even their best wasn’t quite enough. Then came probably the most special enhanced armament moment so far. It was kinda nostalgic hearing it again, especially when it was Eugeo’s sacred art that was being used. I remember how I think Kirito mentioned to Eugeo that it’s a great supporting sacred art. Turns out it’s quite useful for a situation when you are outnumbered.
Anyway, it’s good to see Kirito back. I always wondered if he would just be able to return back normally despite being in that state for some time or would he at least need some time to come to grips with where he is, what happened etc. Looks like he just gradually stood up and knew exactly where he was and what he needs to do.
Another parallel is at the end as Asuna welcomes Kirito back, and he is the one to say he is back. Unlike the end of season 1 when the roles were reverse. Everything is coming back full circle.

I wonder what enhanced armament would the god characters have? Kirito is in a unique position to be able to use two of them, in front of PoH who probably doesn’t know how that works. Next week is gonna be an epic battle I’m sure.